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2017 MEETINGS                     

December Meeting: 12/12/17


Build a spot on the website to out what sponsors we have and their status - we will add 'Member Listing' section to site where we will mention every member/donor at their support level.  Any Platinum or corp sponsor will get an ad and link to their web site.

SWAG- places like under armor and Nike give money back to the organization so we will try to find out a few of those reps and see if we can pick a time and date to have our boys come and look at the product so they can add their input of what works and what doesn’t and also what they like and don’t like. 

Gob Shop can come up with a sweatshirt blanket with our logo.....order 75 cost would be $14 a blanket.  - National Embroidery can do blankets too I am pretty sure - we already paid to have our logo set up there (and it looks great) so we need to keep embroidery there.  I will get a quote if we are sure we want blankets.  Maybe we just get 20 to start?  What other Boosters branded swag do we want done in time for the table at our debut party?

Drafting up a letter introducing us and also our goals, mission statement, and what we are so we can plan for a kick off party for Tremblay’s on Wednesday January 24. 

We will order some swag such as hats, stickers and possible blankets for this kick off - Hats have been ordered.  Decals should be in this week. What other Boosters branded swag do we want done in time for the table at our debut party?

Donation Acknowledgement/Thank You/Tax Return Letter done by Lee & saved it in our PLB Google Drive

Trez will notify us of money left over after all the winter sports have been paid for. He currently said that he will shoot to order 25 new varsity jerseys and will use the current ones for JV team.

Discussed talking to Trez and new coach about having a system in place for making sure all the uniforms are returned this year.

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday JANUARY 9 with a possible meeting before if we can get reps here with selections of uniforms and gear to look at. - And lets nail down kickoff party date and include that date in our email blast/social announcement/club intro communications.





November Meeting: 11/15/17

Attendance: 6 (all Board Members, except Townsend)


EIN#: Max received


Banking: (Citizens or BOA) - Consensus Citizens ( Max/President & Lee/Treasurer will open account Saturday)


IT: Website is up:

Lee also set up a gmail and Google Apps/Drive account for Board members to use and centralize all files, assets, and coms:

  • Lee struck deal w/ Louis Walker Photography, free photos when needed in exchange for promotion by our club

  • e-Commerce engine ready to launch, just needs banking hookup to website

  • Google Account password shared by Lee to Board Members

  • Action Item - Lee asked Board members to review website and provide feedback or edits


Logo: Shield confirmed (4 styles), Max & Lee to have test swatches printed, get quotes on caps and decals


Mailing List Growth: Max to create PHSL, Eric to create PYL


Coaching: 2017 PHS Budget allowed for 1+3 ($2400 + $1200x3), 2018 allows 1+1 ($2400 + $1200)

  • Coaching cut attributed to lack of supervision during away games

  • $1200 did not get paid to assistant last year and should remain on table

  • Booster shall lobby for a return to the 1+ 3 model at PHS cost

  • Jay Cianciolo to take role as “Political Mentor” to new PHS Coach


Priorities to present to Athletic Director w/ negotiated match:


  • Pricing- 25 Uniforms (Cost for home & away vs. reverse w/ shooter shirts x2)

  • Pricing- 50 Shorts to be kept by players (Ideally paid by Boosters)

  • Old Nike uniforms go to JV

  • Pricing- Helmets

    • Action Item - Set up meeting with AD to discuss/negotiate school vs. PLB funding items


Team Managers: Allocate stipend depending on revenue ($25 per game?)


Game Film: Gary Rahilly offered to do, we will explore using Huddle or Crossover web service

501C3 Official Name: Patriots Lax Boosters

Next Meeting Set: December 12th

Kickoff Party: 3rd Week of January


Soft Launch/Club Intro/Announcement: December 4th (email blast/social media/heavy word of mouth)


October Meeting: 10/9/17


Board members vote confirmations:

President- Max Essery

Vice President- Jay Cianciolo

Treasurer- Lee Dooley

Secretary- Sarah Townsend



Lee will work on logos, the group agrees on choice A and Lee will work on options to choose from

Group agreed on stocking hat and navy baseball cap


Domain Name:

Lee has secured our domain name and it is


Booster Tiers:

Platinum Member- $1500 plus….includes webpage and program

Gold Member- $750

Silver Member- $500

Member- $100

Friends- $30

Member and above can come to the meetings and will receive a hat

Corporate sponsors will be included as well


Action Items:

All 7 of us need to sign the conflict of interest form and get them into Max no later than

Friday October 27


Max will get the federal tax ID number and open up a bank account for Boosters club

Letter needs to go out to the current PHS lax roster to inform the current families what

we are doing and invite them to our December meeting which we will be selling

memberships for the 2018 season



November meeting will be November 7 at 6:30 at Tremblay’s


January- open membership kickoff


February- be organized for an order to be placed

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